Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Home Cooked Meal...dun dun DUN!


So tonight my boyfriend and I decided to stay home and cook some food.

=O <--- scared face!

I am a very inexperienced chef. My specialties are oriental flavored ramen noodles and cinnamon toast. So let's just say, my technical skill is limited. My boyfriend doesn't really do a lot of cooking either, so it's kinda like the blind leading the blind...

We decided to do something a little more exciting than grilled chicken on the Foreman and canned vegetables. So, I did some research for cheap recipes for amateur home cooks. I found a recipe for Tortellini with Smoked Sausage and Edamame. My boyfriend is a big meat guy (no pun intended), so he was really into the idea of some smoked sausage. It said it was around $.85 per serving, so we gave it a try.

My boyfriend boiled some three cheese tortellini and some edamame while I sauteed some red pepper in with the smoked sausage. Then we threw it all together in a large pot and tossed it with some italian dressing. It actually tasted pretty good. I was very proud of us:). His parents actually came over and had a couple bowls themselves.

The whole recipe costs me $13.62. Not too shabby.
I think we could definitely make this a couple-days-a-week thing.

I give it 3 stars out of 5 ***

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